Termékek travis rice arany orca 2022 (4)

Istenimádati helyek ablakai - Fa ablakok

Istenimádati helyek ablakai - Fa ablakok

We manufacture multi-layer wood worship places windows with special care to maintain the air of solemnity and distinctiveness of every construction. A selection of our projects is reflected below.
Dombornyomó eszköz - Eszközök

Dombornyomó eszköz - Eszközök

With the chip-removing microstructuring of metal surfaces, LT Ultra offers the right manufacturing technology for the production of embossing tools with optical surface qualities that allow economical replication in large numbers. Examples of microstructuring are the production of microfluidics or microlenses on our ultra-precise multi-axis machines. We can manufacture the structures directly in various materials such as brass, chemically deposited nickel or in selected hardened steels.For the replicating production of optical components, ultra-precise mold inserts made of steel are of particular interest due to their very long service life compared to other materials. In order to avoid the final polishing, which often leads to an undesirable change in shape or which is impossible due to a high structure density, LT Ultra offers ultrasound-assisted machining of steels with geometrically defined cutting edges made of monocrystalline diamond.
Kvarc Kristály - 5MHz Kristály

Kvarc Kristály - 5MHz Kristály

Maximum stability in demanding applications The standard AT-cut, 1 in. (25.4 mm) diameter crystal, pioneered by INFICON, is used primarily in research applications with the INFICON RQCM (Research Quartz Crystal Microbalance). These research crystals are designed for use with INFICON rugged, easy to use crystal holders and are used for in-situ monitoring of deposited films or liquids. Geometry AT-cut quartz has superior mechanical and piezoelectric properties. The 1 in. (25.4 mm) diameter allows optimal distance between the active area of the crystal and the mounting o-ring. This improves the overall stability of the crystal by reducing the frequency changes due to mounting stress. Finish INFICON 1 in. (25.4 mm) research crystals are available with either an unpolished or polished finish. Polished crystals allow for a good correlation between theory and measurement during liquid immersion experiments. Electrode Material INFICON 1 in. (25.4 mm) research crystals are available... Frequency Range:4.976 - 5.020 MHz Resistance:~10 Ohms Crystal Diameter:1 in. (25.4mm) Crystal Contour:Plano-Plano Crystal Orientation:AT-Cut, for frequency stability over temperature Compatibility:INFICON/Maxtek liquid probes and crystal holders Front Electrode Diameter:0.5 in. (12.7 mm) Packaging:Individually packaged/sold Crystal Thickness:0.013 in. (333µm) Surface Roughness:50 Å(polished)
Fém Doboztakarás

Fém Doboztakarás

Blechdosen werden gewöhnlich mit transparent glänzendem Schutzlack versehen. Kombiniert mit Mattlack bieten sich viele ästhetische Feinheiten für eine makellose Optik. Unsere innenseitigen Schutzlackierungen sind selbstverständlich gesundheitlich unbedenklich und bestens geeignet für die Aufbewahrung von Lebensmitteln.